The Age of Destractability In our “Age of Destractability”, finishing one task before starting another has become extremely difficult for most busy people. We all seem to live in a time crunch, where getting things done fast has led us into a multi-task mindset. Unfortunately, we try to do this with a brain evolved to be single tracked. Whistling while we work wasn’t too bad, but how challenging it has become to listen to a podcast on our smart phone, …
My mother-in-law, Jean Carino, at age 90+ continues to be strong in mind, body, and spirit. The key to her being able to sustain health and vitality at 90 is that she pays attention to all three of these areas. She reads and plays Mah-jongg, golfs and exercises, and is an active member of her church. Inspired by her, I have developed these 4 tips on how to stay strong in mind, body, and spirit throughout your life 1. On …
I have been emphasizing the importance of having a stretch goal. The problem with trying to achieve a big goal is that we often procrastinate, never seeming to get to what we really desire to achieve. My experience shows that one way to overcome this problem is to join a goal accountability group. These groups help by creating contagion among group members to get going on what is really important. Also, helping others achieve their goals motivates us to …
From my 1994 book “What Everyman Needs to Know,” here are 10 tips for being a great father: 1. Arrange to take your child to work for a day. 2. Learn to cook one great dish for every meal. 3. Ask your father about his experiences growing up in the neighborhood. 4. If it’s broken, work on healing your relationship with your father. 5. If you abandon a child find humor her and start the relationship today. 6. Interview your …
Article written by Dr. Rob at the Psychotherapy Networker website